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Patient Reources Blog Archive

Read Time: 5 minutes, 36 seconds
Rehabilitation and injury prevention are both important parts of sports performance physical therapy. Physical therapists help a lot of athletes with…
Read Time: 5 minutes, 35 seconds
The vestibular system consists of peripheral sensors in the inner ear and integrative centers in the brainstem, cerebellum and somatic sensory…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 28 seconds
Lower back pain is one of the most common types of body aches, affecting more than 615 million people around the world. It’s also the leading cause…
Read Time: 6 minutes, 46 seconds
The knee is essential for the movement and stability of the body. It absorbs shock and distributes weight to reduce the impact on the bones and…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 52 seconds
Most people don’t think about seeing a physical therapist until they’re in pain. We do treat people who are feeling pain from injuries, stress,…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 23 seconds
If you’re experiencing pain in your lower back or shoulders, strain on the latissimus dorsi (LD) muscle is one possible cause. The latissimus dorsi…
Read Time: 4 minutes, 4 seconds
If you’re experiencing knee pain and foot or ankle pain in the same leg, it can be hard to tell if you’ve got one injury or two different ones. The…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 46 seconds
If you have poor posture, you might notice neck pain or shoulder pain from time to time. Misalignment of the shoulder blades and neck is very common…
Read Time: 4 minutes, 34 seconds
The feet and ankles make up one of the most complex and hardest-working areas in the body. The amount of impact and pressure they withstand with…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 26 seconds
Heart disease affects nearly 700,000 people and is responsible for about 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States. Taking the correct preventive…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 44 seconds
If you’ve ever seen pictures of a dry needling session, you may feel intimidated by the prospect of many tiny needles being inserted into your skin.…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 17 seconds
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that involves chronic inflammation in the joints. The immune system mistakenly attacks the tissue lining the joints…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Your child’s growth and development isn’t always a smooth journey. Many children experience injuries or medical conditions that can interfere with…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 27 seconds
You move your jaw dozens of times every day for everyday tasks like eating and talking. That’s why you shouldn’t attempt to shrug off a twinge of…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 30 seconds
The health and wellness journey can come with many roadblocks along the way. You can sustain an unexpected injury or develop a medical condition that…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 19 seconds
Therapy can refer to many different types of services in health care. For instance, psychotherapy can help improve your mental health. Massage…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 40 seconds
How often have you been walking, exercising or maybe even just sitting, and you experience lower leg pain? It’s not uncommon to occasionally feel…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Have you recently gotten injured or suffered a medical condition? You might be in need of a physical therapist’s help. You’d be one of nearly 2.4…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Ankle pain can make it difficult to carry out many of your physical tasks, such as walking down aisles while grocery shopping and taking your dog for…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 40 seconds
If you feel a twinge of pain in your jaw while you’re eating, you might immediately jump to the conclusion that the ache is a problem that can be…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 25 seconds
From the common cold and seasonal flu to injuries and chronic conditions, everyone requires the assistance of health care professionals every now and…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 33 seconds
When your ankle pain makes it difficult to comfortably stand or walk, it can make you want to do nothing but lie around to stay off your feet. It’s…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Do you have pain in the bottom of your foot, in between your heels and your toes? Do you find it hard to walk without experiencing a sharp or…
Read Time: 3 minutes, 21 seconds
If you’re an avid runner, you’re probably no stranger to aches and pains. Running can be an incredibly rewarding physical activity but can also cause…