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Competing with physical therapy private practices

1 minute, 35 seconds

The modern physical therapy marketplace has more offerings than ever before, including hospitals, inpatient rehab facilities and physical therapy private practice clinics. While all of these different types of practices play an important role in helping patients get the care they need, if you're a hospital administrator, it can be easy to feel like you're in competition with other providers.

Physical therapy departments in hospitals are essential to helping patients who have undergone surgery or who have experienced a traumatic injury start the healing and rehabilitation process. This means better outcomes for patients, higher levels of patient satisfaction and a lower chance of readmissions that can cost your facility. What's more, an efficiently run physical therapy department can also be a source of revenue and a net contributor to your facility.

To stay competitive with physical therapy private practices, many hospitals turn to a contract therapy provider to help run as efficiently as possible and deliver the highest level of care possible to patients.

Overcoming common obstacles facing therapy departments

By working with a partner that is fully physical therapy focused, you can benefit from the knowledge and experience of a larger organization at a scale that meets your facility size and budget. To keep your therapy department competitive with physical therapy private practices, here are some of the challenges a contract therapy provider can help you overcome:

  • Limited service offerings
  • Outdated software systems
  • Inefficient scheduling and workflow
  • Regulatory compliance issues
  • Not getting reimbursed for services
  • Staffing shortages

Because physical therapy contract service providers have the same level of focus in the field as private practice clinics, they are able to offer turnkey solutions that are custom-tailored to the needs of your department.

Finding a partner you can trust

At Alliance Physical Therapy Partners, we are leaders in the field of contract therapy services for hospitals across the United States. We're committed to building partnerships that help facilities of all sizes and types grow, succeed and stay competitive in an ever-growing and ever-changing physical therapy marketplace.

Learn more about how we can help and receive an assessment of your current therapy program when you contact us today.